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Tutorial: Encoding Multiple Premiere Pro Sequences in Adobe Media Encoder CC

If you ever find yourself having to render multiple sequences from Premiere Pro, there's an easier way to do it than by using the Premiere Pro Export control. 本教程将解释更容易和更有效的方式使用Adobe媒体编码器.

If you ever find yourself having to render multiple sequences from Premiere Pro, there’s an easier way to do it than by using the Premiere Pro Export control. This tutorial will explain the easier 和更多的 efficient way.

The Traditional (Slower) Method: 16 Sequential Encodes in Export Settings

In the project shown in 图1(下面),我正在为我正在写的一本新书从相同的源视频文件中创建16个片段.

图1. My 16-sequence project

So, 基本上, I’ve got 16 sequences here, and if I were using the traditional technique, I would select the sequence I wanted to export first, then choose File > Export > Media (下面的图2).

图2. Exporting the sequence for encoding within Adobe Premiere Pro CC.

This would bringing up the Export Settings dialog (下面的图3). There I’d choose the format, and the preset (which in this case is YouTube 720p30), then click Export to export directly from Export Settings, wait for it to encode, and then I’d move on to Gator 2, the second sequence/clip.

图3. The Export Settings dialog.

任何制作人都需要关注的一个关键问题便是确保你所创造的作品能够在多个平台上播放, 移动, broadcast) as possible. 直到最近, 在数字影院环境中传送内容是拥有专门设备的高端设施的专有领域. But with the release of Adobe Media Encoder CC 2014 and its Wraptor DCP plug-in, DCP has become just another export option, putting digital cinema delivery well within the reach of any Adobe CC user. 当您的客户或项目需要它时,您可以将其添加到您的产品中.
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